Advice for students coming to Liverpool
Studying in Liverpool can be a scary transition
Starting university in a new city can be terrifying, especially if that city is as vast and lively as Liverpool.
Unlike your first day at school, there is no one to help you settle in, there is no play time in the school yard that helps you meet your friends and there is certainly no going home to Mum when the bell goes at half three.
For all of these reasons, many people find the transition to university difficult. Indeed the first few weeks can potentially be the hardest and loneliest, however if you throw yourself in at the deep end, they could potentially be the most rewarding.
If you do not know anyone, it is essential that you spend as little time in your room as possible as there are many ways to meet new people. If you are lucky and you and your flatmates click straight away, then you will have few problems. If on the other hand you and your flatmates clash or you have none (granted this is unlikely) then you need to get your ‘mingle’ shoes on.
Indeed there are many ways in doing this. As it is Fresher’s Week, there will be a plethora of events on. Firstly, get yourself down to the student fair and students union as it is guaranteed that you will meet people in the same boat as you and it is therefore a great way to meet new friends (as well as getting some free stuff).
It is also important to get yourself on as many nights out (or the equivalent if this is not your thing) as possible. Fresher’s Week anywhere is pretty mental and if you want to meet new people, you can be assured that the best places to do this are in the cities pubs and clubs (and there are a lot of them). It can be slightly scary but you will soon learn what the best places are depending on the day of the week.
It is also important to mention that you are undoubtedly meet many new acquaintances as your degree programme accelerates. If your lecturers are nice, they will put you in groups to start with and it is here where I made many of my friends.
We at The Liverpool Student also want to remind our loyal readership of the importance of doing the boring stuff too. This includes registering with a local doctor, enrolling on your course (or your wasting your time), getting your student card and getting used to the library and how it works.